As the name suggests, it’s a chain of block. And here the blocks are unique from each other. In terms of Computer Science, it’s basically one data-structure. The type of this data-structure is linked list. So each blocks points to it’s previous block. As shown in the above figures, it mainly contains the transactions. Transactions…
How to find the winning stock for swing trading using stock market index
This is the a Million Dollar question. Isn’t it? If you develop the mastery skill in stock selection, then definitely you will start ahead from others in the game. Here we will share an fast and efficient ways to find the desired stocks.As we all know, manual process always takes time and the chances of…
How to plot candle stick chart using python
Here I will not explain what is candle stick chart in details. But it’s one of the best way to visualize the stock price chart as it contains the OHLC (open, high, low, close) price information of a price chart. As shown in the above picture, the green body means closing price is higher than…
Array: Binary Search and the Ordered Array
Now imagine an Array where the numbers are stored in an orderly manner. Means minimum index stores the lowest number and the maximum index number (Here the number is 6) stores the highest number but in the orderly manner. Please take a look for a sample ordered Array as shown below:- Here in the above…
Python Game: Lottery Winner
Here we will randomly select the name from list of names, and randomly prizes will be assigned to them. So lets write the outline of the code. Now let’s check the code:- This code will work, now we have to check whether the code design is correct or not, which can be checked using Pylint….
Mongo Db: Normalization and De-Normalization
Normalization:- There are present multiple ways to represents your data. One of the way is in a Normalized way. Normalized way means, dividing up the data in to multiple collections. Another important aspect is that document of one collection can be referenced by the multiple documents of the different collections. That means there present some…
Java composition with example
In one word, composition is nothing but a ‘Has-A’ relationship. As we know, in object oriented programming there are two popular relationship present, one is ‘Is A’ and another one is ‘Has A’ relationship. The main benefit of has a relationship is that this can reference many classes. Let us check an example of Television….
Concept of Compound Index in MongoDB for interview
Compound index means when we are creating an index on more than one keys. The best way to check how compound index affect the searching and sorting time is directly test it in the Mongo shell. Let’s create one collection of student with keys ‘student_id’,’student_name’ and ‘age’:- Now we will try to sort this output…
JavaScript Scope
In JavaScript we can define variable by using “var” and “let” keyword. JavaScript scope works slightly different way than other object oriented programming language like java. In the below example please look how the variables are defined:- Here “var” keyword works differently than the “let” keyword. Here “let” will not be executed at the very…
Array using Java: Array which is storing unsorted and non duplicate data
Array is a simple data-structure where we store same type of data. Array can not store multiple types of data. There are different types of Array. And the way in which data is stored within the Array can have infinite combinations. Few examples:- Suppose we will store in it non duplicate values , or we…