What is Programming Language?

Computer programming language is a medium to communicate with the computers. To give the instructions to the computer. Because computer only can understand the machine language, that is in terms of zeros and ones or in terms of on and off (Byte Codes). But it’s really tough for us to write byte codes. That is…

How to plot candle stick chart using python

Here I will not explain what is candle stick chart in details. But it’s one of the best way to visualize the stock price chart as it contains the OHLC (open, high, low, close) price information of a price chart. As shown in the above picture, the green body means closing price is higher than…

Python Game: Lottery Winner

Here we will randomly select the name from list of names, and randomly prizes will be assigned to them. So lets write the outline of the code. Now let’s check the code:- This code will work, now we have to check whether the code design is correct or not, which can be checked using Pylint….

Class 2: Python and Object Oriented Programming

My cat and My neighbor’s cat both has different name. Now we can create this name attribute at the time when we are creating the object. The main benefit is, the code will be much more shorter, clean and more readable. This can be achieved with the help of constructor. In the above example, I…

Class 1:- Python and Object Oriented Programing

I have a White cat and also my neighbor has a Black cat. So in the OOP paradigm the cat is blueprint and from using that blueprint we can create several cat objects with different attributes specific to that object. Like here, they both have four legs but they have different color and size. So,…