A happy string is a string that: For example, strings “abc”, “ac”, “b” and “abcbabcbcb” are all happy strings and strings “aa”, “baa” and “ababbc” are not happy strings. Given two integers n and k, consider a list of all happy strings of length n sorted in lexicographical order.Return the kth string of this list…
Category: Programming Geek
Under the Programming Geek section we discusses mainly the topics related to IT. This topics will be helpful for all the budding and experience software engineers.
Leet code problem 1414: – Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K Medium
Given an integer k, return the minimum number of Fibonacci numbers whose sum is equal to k. The same Fibonacci number can be used multiple times. The Fibonacci numbers are defined as: It is guaranteed that for the given constraints we can always find such Fibonacci numbers that sum up to k. Example 1: Input:…
How to kill a Windows process running on a specific port from command line?
1st open the command prompt as “Run as administrator”. Then paste the below command and hit “Enter”. e.g. Process is running on port 8080. Then kill the task running on that port by using the pid. The command is:
Leet code problem 1413: – Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum
Given an array of integers nums, you start with an initial positive value startValue. In each iteration, you calculate the step by step sum of startValue plus elements in nums (from left to right). Return the minimum positive value of startValue such that the step by step sum is never less than 1. Example 1:…
Leet Code problem 1410: – HTML Entity Parser
HTML entity parser is the parser that takes HTML code as input and replace all the entities of the special characters by the characters itself. The special characters and their entities for HTML are: Given the input text string to the HTML parser, you have to implement the entity parser. Return the text after replacing…
Leetcode problem 1409:- Queries on a Permutation With Key
Given the array queries of positive integers between 1 and m, you have to process all queries[i] (from i=0 to i=queries.length-1) according to the following rules: Return an array containing the result for the given queries. Example 1: Input: queries = [3,1,2,1], m = 5Output: [2,1,2,1]Explanation: The queries are processed as follow:For i=0: queries[i]=3, P=[1,2,3,4,5],…
How to access the collection elements using the streams?
Streams is introduced in java8 version. It basically helps to write a concise piece of code and it’s functional style of code writing. For the complete piece of code please visit the below mentioned link. The piece of code for stream iteration is mentioned below :- In the above case the “forEach” is a terminal…
How to modify the collection while iterating using java?
As in the previous post we have explained how to iterate over the collection. the same code can be found by clicking on the below mentioned link. Now here the same piece of code will be used to explain the modification of collection at the time of iteration. Now new hotel is declared and when…
How to access collection elements in java using iterator method?
Iterator is a method which returns an iterator over elements. It is defined inside the “Iterable” interface of java collection framework. The source code of this interface can be found in the below mentioned link. Let’s create on collection of hotels as mentioned in the below mentioned code:- The source code of the “Hotel” class…
How to launch the chrome browser and open the target url using Selenium?
So for that at first we have to set the system property “webdriver.chrome.driver” and need to provide the path of the executable file of the chrome driver. The code block is mentioned below:- Now we can set the options of the chrome driver. This step is optional. Here we can set the execution mode of…