How to handle SSL certificate in Edge browser for Selenium Web-Driver?

In many cases we can face the error related to SSL certificate as mentioned below :- So, this error in Edge browser can be handled using EdgeOptions class provided by Selenium Web driver. The sample code block is mentioned below:- In the above code block we are accepting the Insecure certificate by passing Boolean value…

How to copy or mirror code from one git repository to a new Git repository for Windows Machine

The steps are mentioned Below: Copy or clone the code to local folder from the Git repository: – For that first open the bash shell and move to the desires folder by using ‘cd’ command. And then type the below command and press enter. Here it is assumed that ‘ssh’ keygen is already generated and…

How to handle the Dynamic Google suggestions using Selenium

Many times we have to handle the suggestions in the search box dynamically. As shown below for the google search page. When typed “selenium” word, it’s showing so many suggestions:- Now if we want to select only “selenium interview questions” then how to do that? As these options appears dynamically, so by using fixed locator…

findElement method in Selenium WebDriver

To find any web element in any webpage this findElement method is used by Selenium WebDriver. This is an abstract method and defined under the SearchContext interface. as mentioned in the source code. But this SeachContext interface is also implemented by the SeleniumWebDriver interface as mentioned in here. As mentioned in the source code comment…

Selenium WebDriver is a class or interface?

The best way to answer this question is to check the source code of Selenium WebDriver. The source code can be found here. In that source code it is clearly mentioned that, the Selenium WebDriver is an interface. The clear and concise source code of selenium WebDriver interface is mentioned below:- import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LoggingPreferences; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.Logs;…