Break your big goal as small as possible. This will help you to track and progress your goal in a much better way. And the completing of each and every task will be very much rewarding and motivating. Suppose you have a big goal to learn new computer programing language. Now you have to do…
Author: Admin
How to be much more focused in your life
Now we are going through the information age. Now we are getting lots of information. Some them them is very useful and some of them are not. So we have to filtered out all those information that are not useful to us. In the world of Information Technology where the information is very cheaply available…
Class, objects and their attributes in Python
so in this post data and behaviours are discussed in details. Now express them in terms of the programiing language. Take the below example. suppose Lion and Dog belongs to a animal class. but they behave differently. Dog can bark but Lion can roar. And also they have different weight and height. So please…
Objects in Object Oriented Programing
So we can say that the objects are instances of a class. Mango tree is an instance of a geneal tree class. Being an non computer science student it was intially very much dificult to me to understand the concept of the objects. In the computer science world the object is anything which can be…
Object Oriented Programing
What the heck is this Object Oriented Programming (OOP) ? Is it the brother of the black-hole when it is converting in to the worm-hole with out breaking the law of relativity? Just kidding. Ignore this crazy part. It’s like a thing as it is. It’s like a thing that it should be. Just chill,…