What is the Difference between groupId and artifactId in Maven

The main difference between the groupId and artifactId is groupId specifies the ID of the project group while the artifactId specifies the id of the project. So group Id is always used to identify the project group and artifactId is used to identify the specific project that is developed by that particular group of organization….

What is Data Driven Testing Techniques in Selenium?

Data-driven testing is one of the popular testing approach. Why this approach is so popular and useful? Take a real life example. Just write the test cases to test the “Username” field for the rediffmail pages. The possible test-cases at gross level are:- Test Case ID Test Case Subject Test Case Description Test Steps Prerequisites…

What is Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium?

What is Page Object Model? It’s a design pattern , which is used by many test automation projects. The Page Object is basically a class file which acts as an interface of any web page. This class contains the web elements and many methods to interacts with those web-elements. And to interact with these pages,…

What is Encapsulation in Java?

Encapsulation is a technique to hide the nature of the declared variables within a class and this variables can only be accessed from another class via some public methods. Check the below example where the variable is declared as private and this variable can only be accessed from other class by using the public methods…

Books that will make ‘You’ a ‘better You’

This book has given lots of example to show us that the compound effect is applicable in every field of our life whether it be my income or to achieve my Big Goal. This book has helped me to become a better version of me in the following way:- I am now taking small steps…

JavascirptExecutor in Selenium

JavascirptExecutor is an Interface. Located inside the package org.openqa.selenium. It has two methods. One is executeScript another one is executeAsyncScript . Method executeScript:- Object executeScript(String script, Object… args); So this is how the method is defined in the source code. This method is abstract and public in nature as it is mentioned inside the Interface,…

Queue Data Structure for Beginners

Queue is a kind of data structure where the order of the element matters. It’s like a line in-front of movie ticket line. The person who came last in the queue will stand at the rear position of the line. And the person who joined the line at the very first would be the person…

Autoboxing and Unboxing: Primitive data types storing in Array Lists

As we are aware that the ArrayLists in Java stores the pointers to objects. Then how can I store the primitive datatypes inside the ArrayLists. Because when storing the int type in ArrayLists it’s showing the below mentioned error in IDE. Same thing will happen for data type double also as shown below:- So, here…

Is the method Overriding and Polymorphism are same in Java?

Polymorphism is one of the characteristics of object oriented programming. Poly means many and Morph means :- Overriding of a method is nothing but smooth modification of a method that is inherited from super class by it’s subclass. So it’s like smooth change or modification of the method of the superclass. So, from this above…