findElement method in Selenium WebDriver

To find any web element in any webpage this findElement method is used by Selenium WebDriver. This is an abstract method and defined under the SearchContext interface. as mentioned in the source code. But this SeachContext interface is also implemented by the SeleniumWebDriver interface as mentioned in here. As mentioned in the source code comment…

Selenium WebDriver is a class or interface?

The best way to answer this question is to check the source code of Selenium WebDriver. The source code can be found here. In that source code it is clearly mentioned that, the Selenium WebDriver is an interface. The clear and concise source code of selenium WebDriver interface is mentioned below:- import org.openqa.selenium.logging.LoggingPreferences; import org.openqa.selenium.logging.Logs;…

What are WebElements in a web page?

It’s most important concept in the context of Selenium WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver interacts with the webpages with the help these WebElements. Now the question is what actually it is? Actually each webpage contains lots of elements like textboxes, dropdowns, buttons etc. These are called the webElements. Suppose take the example of the main search page…