Q1. Print one simple text using the Lambda Expression (One Argument is passed inside the argument list).
public class Practice61 {
//Functional interface which has only one abstract method //in it
//The return type of this hello abstract method is void
//but this method takes one String Argument
public interface HelloType {
void hello (String text);
public static void main(String [] args) {
//(argument_list) -> {body}
//this is how lambda works
//Here the argument is passed in the
// Lambda expression without mentioning any type
//as it takes from the interface method
//Here one argument of String type is passed inside the argument //list
HelloType helloLambda = (text1) -> {System.out.println("Hello " + text1);};
//Hello Ram
Q2. Print one simple text using the Lambda Expression (No Argument is passed inside the argument list).
public class Practice61 {
//Functional interface which has only one abstract method in it
public interface HelloType {
void hello ();
public static void main(String [] args) {
//(argument_list) -> {body}
//this is how lambda works
HelloType helloLambda = () -> {System.out.println("Hello Ram");};
//or this can also be written as mentioned below
//as there is only one expression so we can remove the bracket of the body
HelloType helloLambda1 = () -> System.out.println("Hello Ram");
Q3: Example of multiline expression inside the Lambda Body :-
- write one functional interface with a method having string argument and return type is integer.
- write one lambda expression which check the string input and will print zero when the string input is zero and will print number 1 in the console when the string input provided is one, for other values it will print -1 in the console.
public class Practice61 {
//Functional interface which has only one abstract method in it
public interface HelloType {
int hello (String text);
public static void main(String [] args) {
//(argument_list) -> {body}
//this is how lambda works
//Here bracket is used as multi line expression is present inside the lambda expression
HelloType helloType = (text) -> { switch (text) {
case "zero": return 0;
case "one": return 1;
return -1;
} };
Great post. I will be experiencing some of these issues as well.. Nicola Papageno Haeckel