Focus, the toughest things for many of us!!!

Whether you are a student, an employee or you are a living being, the focus is very much important to achieve success. Without laser like focus no body can achieve their goal in a defined time line. And lacking of focus leads to frustration, broken-heart, depression and in an extreme case, the death. And the funny thing is we all know this. We all know what is good, and what is bad. But executing those good things into reality and stick with those habits for a long period of time is really a challenging task. So I will not mention here about all the good things but one of the most important things among those good things, that is focus.

We all watched how hunter mammals hunts their pray in. At first they target a particular pray and follow it unless they caught it. But according to me focus, patience and perseverance they all are related. One can not be achieved fully with out the other. When you want to be more focused, then automatically you have to get rid of your monkey mind. So is there present any easy way to be more focused. No, there is no such short cuts, but yes you have to practice it to be much more focus.

Focus is nothing but the control over your monkey mind. Becoming very much conscious about your subconscious mind. Calming your mind and following the long term goals. It’s like mourning one and only mantra inside your head unless and until you get it.

Actually in one word, being focused is opposite to human psychology. But we know it’s necessity. when we analyze great humans, great characters then we came to know that being focused is a common virtue among them. But most of us not able to increase our focus level above certain level. Yes we all have the virtue of focus, and not only for human, even it’s applicable for any living beings, they all have the focusing power. They all, some extent become focused in there life span for several times, and obviously unknowingly. We all becomes focused to some extents unknowingly. Even, I am, who is an unfocused male human, just now become slightly focused, when I am writing this. Because otherwise I could not finish a single word. If Leopard, can’t keep it focus when they are hunting then they will die for starvation. Yes those who goes daily to workplaces, if looses their focuses, then they will never can reach to home. Yes, those are the effortless examples of focus. My main point is, we are all can be focused, but the extent of focus varies a lot within us. So, this scarcity of the focus can be increased in our life just by saving it and earning it.

Yes, you heard it correct. You have to earn focus by practicing it daily. Just concentrate any little things that you have completed with the help of focus. Just observing consciously it’s nature, you are earning experience and by doing daily, unknowingly and effortlessly you can increase your focusing power.

“Stay focused, consciously more than yesterday on any task”. I think this should be the simple mantra for beginners who are just started the journey to be great.