Class 2: Python and Object Oriented Programming

My cat and My neighbor’s cat both has different name. Now we can create this name attribute at the time when we are creating the object. The main benefit is, the code will be much more shorter, clean and more readable. This can be achieved with the help of constructor.

Please comment The output?

In the above example, I have mentioned one __init__ method and mentioned it as pass, which does nothing. Now check the below code where I am initializing the name at the time of class creation. Now when object will be created, we have to give the name of that object. The name of my cat is “Tommy” and will mention it when I am creating it.

Comment the Out put and please write this code by typing in the editor. Not just doing copy paste. That’s why I have added Image here. Build your own story and design it in OOP paradigm.

So in this way, we can also initialize the cat’s color also at the creation time, and in that way, we can make our code much more readable by making it shorter. Please check the code mentioned below:-

Please read the comments in the code and type it in your editor. And also comment the answer, please:)

Now what is self in the __init__ method, please print “self” to find the answer as mentioned below:-

class Cat():  
  #Here Name parameter has passed when defining the compile
  #by using this special __init__ method 
  def __init__(self,name,color): = name
    self.color = color

my_cat = Cat('Tommy','white')
Neighbor_cat = Cat('Lucy','Black')


Copy the above code and run it. I hope you have guessed correctly.