Opinion on the Book “The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone”

According to my opinion this book is telling about some 10x target setting 10x effort and 10x time along with 10x patience and 10x persistent to achieve any goal.

Just do not set any normal goal rather set some 10x goal than the normal level. Suppose you think that you can be millionaire but not billionaire. But 10x rule telling that set your target to be billionaire then only your full potential will be utilized. The problem with the human behavior is that very few of them come to know their full potential. And those who discover this become one of well known legend in their field. So be clever to set 10x goal so that there is a high chance that your full potential will be utilized.

Then another aspect of the 10x rule is to push your self 10x than the normal level. Give effort 10x than the normal level means always calculate your effort more than 10x to achieve any goal. Always remember that it’s not easy to achieve big thing. Most of us fail to achieve this because most of the time we underestimate the effort required to achieve that goal. But this books is telling us always be smart to be ready to give effort 10x time. If it is achieved less than that effort then good and if not then no problem because you have already set your mind to give the 10x effort. And don’t be in hurry. Good things always takes times. Always keep your patience at 10x level. So this is the main mantra of the 10x rule.

Then in this book author gave many examples and added many chapter to convince us that the average or mediocre mind set is sin. And also if we think that we are not putting any effort when we don’t do or neglect any work. Then actually we are doing almost equal amount of work to convincing ourselves that why we shouldn’t do this work. So he classified the whole human nature in four categories. Those who don’t do any work and those who do work but less. Then average work and then the legends who work put 10x efforts.

He then gave examples on sales. How sale people should to be much more aggressive to sell the products and then he also explains why it’s not bad or too much aggressive. And also it will not disturb the customers also in that sense if you be 10x active as a sales person. After all the Author himself is an renowned Sales personal.

He also convinced us that as a entrepreneur also why you should to implement the 10X rule to establish your own business. And He repeated one lines many times, and I love that line very much. That is “Success is Obligation not a choice.

Mr. Author divided the chapters wisely and I would suggest to read them from start to end. Do not skip. Take your time and read slowly. And please implement each and every chapter to your daily life. And please fill out the exercises that the author attached before Finishing the each chapters.

Conclusion:- Why I read this book twice? Yes you read it write, and I will read it again. Because this is very practical book and helped me a lot in my daily life to increase my productivity. And helped me to upgrade my self in a lot of aspects. Before reading this book I was not aware about the 10X idea.

N.B.:- I have not mentioned here any chapter details and this opinion solely mine. Please read others opinion also before buying this book.