How to stick to a daily mundane activity for a long period

Now a days most of us are becoming a consumers rather than a producers. It’s totally not our fault. Now a days entertainment are very cheaply available to us which are forcing us to be a much more consumers. Because it increases the dopamine which is a chemical messenger involved in rewarding us and motivating us to do that same thing again and again. In one word this is a feel good hormone. So as we feel good and relaxed when we watch a good movie or comedy videos or any challenging game, we want to do it in our spare time. But these activities makes us much more consumers than producers wich eventually converts into a permanent behavior.

Credit:- Javier Quesada

But as we all know to be a master in a particular thing we have to do this daily and for the long time. So how we can control our mind to stick with that particular activity for a long time. How we can be much more disciplined in a world of multitasking.

You have to make it like a habit to do that mundane things daily and you need to find the love and fun thing in that mundane activity. but How a mundane job can give you relaxed feeling?

It’s very simple, just complete it as soon as possible. So make it very small and achieve it on daily basis. So indirectly you are achieving a big goal by taking small baby steps which will motivate you and release the dopamine from your brain.

Yes initially it will be quite tough but gradually it will become a habit. So here I will give you few tips of mine which you can follow to make your life quite disciplined on doing that mundane job for which human mind are not designed .

Be Religious and make your own Rules:-

Yes a little bit religious mindset on certain things will help you a lot in this case. Just make your own rule. Suppose you travel daily to your office. Now during commute just consume only those things which will help you to achieve your goal. DO NOT CONSUME ANY OTHER DISTRACTIONS THAT ARE NOT HELPING YOU WITH YOUR GOAL IN YOUR SPARE TIMES. Say to your mind and to your self that consumption or spending time with those things is A SIN. Yes this is rule defined by you which you will follow daily during your commute or spare time. And also meet with those people only who are helping and motivating you on achieving your goal.

Make A network with the successful people:-

Yes It’s also very important to make and build strong network with like minded people who are very much successful and follow their life style. What they do daily and how they are keeping their daily discipline on doing this mundane thing on daily basis. What is their mindset and how they controls their mind. How they talk to themselves and convince themselves. Just make one of them as your virtual mentor in your mind.And tell your mind to follow their activity. Just talk with them and try to spend more time with them.

As we all now that slow and steady wins the race, So make it a daily routine and remember it, WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING ,WHETHER BE IT SMALL, YOU HAVE TO DO IT DAILY AT ANY COST.

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