Achieve your goal by making it tiny and doing it daily

Photo credit:- Haley Phelps

Break your big goal as small as possible. This will help you to track and progress your goal in a much better way. And the completing of each and every task will be very much rewarding and motivating.

Suppose you have a big goal to learn new computer programing language. Now you have to do practice each and every day to become master on that subject. Just practice it daily and finish as small topics as possible. Here what is important is daily progress. Not only programming language, any skill if you want to be success on that, you have to complete that activity daily unless and until you achieved that.

So make a chart of your daily progress and become slightly religious to control yourself and your mind. This has helped me and I am sure that it will help you guys also.

But the most tough part is to maintain that daily discipline. That is how our human mind has built. So best way is keep your mind a refreshment break so that you can maintain your motivation and efficiency on that daily mundane task.

But now a days we have to maintain the multiple task. Suppose you are a full time employee and you wan to be a successful blogger also. And the most toughest part is your blogging topic is not in the same field where you are doing the full time job.

So after doing full time job there remains a very less energy on weekdays. So how you can maintain your daily activity of writing the blog. Yeah that is a very tough situation. So yes you can divide the writing as simple as one paragraph. but what you have to do is just do it daily. Because at the end of Friday you have already written the five paragraph. That is always better than nothing. And the most important thing is here you have maintained the momentum throughout the week which will help you to finish a large part at the weekends. And gradually this momentum will compound your effort.

So be satisfied on completing the tiny steps at first and gradually make it large.