Clock time, psychological time and my mind!

This two words, “Clock Time” and “Psychological Time” has taken from the book The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment . The author of this book is one of the most well known spiritual leader, Sir Eckhard Tolle.

In this book he has explained the concept of this two time. So I am requesting all of you guys please read this book at least once. Yes, after reading this book I can control my thought process a little bit and I am now fully aware of when I am wasting my precious present time by thinking more about the past or the future.

According to my opinion the “Clock time” is the time in the past from where you have learned something. Suppose, you have burnt your finger by touching the flame of a candle in the past. And from that past event you have learned this lesson that if you touch a flame, then it will hurt you. So using that past clock time experience, you will never touch the flame in the present and in the future because you have learned the lesson that “Clock Time”.

Where as “Psychological Time” is the time you are wasting your present time by fighting duel with the past or thinking too much about the future. For example, some one lied to you in the past regarding something for which you have lost a lot of money. Now by not forgetting about that event and not forgiving that person, you are thinking too much now to punish that culprit. And by doing that you are wasting your precious present time. In this case don’t waste your present time for that psychological event, rather just think one moment, take action and forget that event. And only learn the lesson from that event so that you can avoid such situation in the upcoming future. Just do not waste your precious present time.

Yes After being aware about this two time, now I try to remain much more focused in the present. Thank you Dear Author, for saving my lots of precious present time. Now I feel much more relaxed and relieved. Also it improves my productivity because now I can concentrate more on the current work that I am doing and not hovering over past and the future. Once again Thank You Sir.